Our puppies come with a one (1) year written health guarantee against any major defects such as heart, lung, kidney and other life threatening congenital defects. You will receive our full contract that clearly states our conditions and guarantee and other important information that is outlined in our contract once a deposit is made. Our puppies are vaccinated at approximately 6-8 weeks of age and right before they go to their new buyers with NeoPar, DA2PPv – 5 way Vaccine against Canine Distemper, Adenovirus Type 2, Parainfluenza & Parvovirus. In addition, they are put on Pryantel Pamoate and Panacur-C (or compatible product) for Canine Dewormer control at a 2 week interval until they go home. Buyers are required to bring the puppy to their vets within 72 hours and you will receive full records of vaccinations & deworming schedule and this should be shown to your veterinarian. UPDATED 07/22/2024
Maltipoo - 1 girl |
ROSIE - Ready Now!Adorable Rosie is the cutest little girl with such a sweet personality. She is a black & white parti maltipoo born 5/25/24. Her mom is a cream 10 lb. toy poodle and dad a 7 lb. maltese. She is very gentle and gets along great with other dogs and people of all ages. She is ready to meet her new family today!
MALTIPOOS - 2 boys |
REady END of augustStunning Brandy & Randy are the cutest little boys and have very sweet and lovable temperaments. They were born on 6-18-2024. Their mom is a soft apricot 9lb. toy poodle and dad a 7 lb. maltese.They both are very gently and love to give plenty of kisses and get along great with other pets and people of all ages. Brandy has a very thick and soft coat in apricot with white hues on chest/belly area. Randy has a soft and wavy coat in cream with slight apricot hues.
Maltipoos - 1 boy & 1 girl |
REady middle of AUGUSTGorgeous Violet and Vin are such cuties with terrific personalities. These precious puppies were born on June 2, 2024. Mom is a black toy poodle and dad a maltese. Violet has a stunning merle coat in cream and black and her brother has an all black coat. These puppies are very sweet, playful and get along great with people of all ages and other pets.
Violet (f) - Available Vin (m) - Available |