It is important to remember your small puppy is not fully immunized until 16 weeks of age and they are still producing antibodies against germs until this time. We bring this up because there is a parasite that you should be aware of named Coccidiosis (Coccidia). Around 90% of all puppies and dogs alike carry this natural bacteria – Coccidia – in their intestines. Most dogs will never have any situation with this parasite, and others will (especially young puppies). This occurrence is more common in puppies due to compromising their young developing immune system. As stated, your puppy is still developing their immune system and if their system becomes stressed, the Coccidia parasite may no longer stay dormant and actually hatch within the puppies’ intestines. This can occur most often due to stress from transitioning a puppy to a new environment, being taken away from mom and siblings, car rides, over stimulation, rough play etc. Symptoms include:
If any of these signs due occur, a visit to your vet is in order. Diagnosing and treating Coccidiosis – the vet will need a fecal sample. Typically, Coccidia is treated with sulfonamides which is an antibiotics. The most common sulfonamides used is Albon and Bactrovet. Your vet can discuss the best option for your puppy.
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