Alcoholic Beverage Can cause intoxication, coma and death Acocado Can cause vomiting and diarrhea Bones from Poulty Can cause obstruction or laceration in digestive tract Cat Food Too high of protein count and fats Chocolate or Coffee Contains caffeine and be toxic to heart Citrus Oil Extracts Can cause vomiting Fat Trimmings Can cause pancreatitis Fish (raw or canned) Can cause seizures, vitamin B deficiency if feed too much Grapes or Raisins Unknown toxins which can damage kidneys Human Vitamins Can damage the lining of digestive tract and be toxic to other organs Macadamia Nuts Unknown toxins, damaging to organs Milk and Dairy Diarrhea and mucus forming Mushroom Unknown toxins, shock to body Onions or Garlic Contains sulfoxides and disulfides which can damage red blood cells Raw Eggs Contains an enzyme called avidin. Toxic and contains Salmonella Sugary Foods Can lead to obesity, dental problems and diabetes mellitus Artificial Sweeteners Can cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), vomiting, liver failure
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